How to use Laravel Breeze in your Laravel project

Karl Hill
2 min readDec 21, 2022


Laravel Breeze is a simple, lightweight authentication scaffolding package for Laravel. It provides a minimal yet powerful authentication solution that can be easily installed and configured in your Laravel application. This tutorial will look at how to use Laravel Breeze to set up authentication in your Laravel app.

To get started, you’ll need to install Laravel Breeze in your Laravel project. You can do this using Composer:

composer require laravel/breeze --dev

Once you’ve installed Laravel Breeze, you can use the breeze:install artisan command to install the necessary views, routes, and controllers.

php artisan breeze:install

This command will create a breeze directory in your resources/views folder containing the necessary views for the authentication system. It will also create routes and controllers for handling authentication.

Next, you’ll need to set up your database and create the necessary tables for storing users and password resets. You can do this using the migrate artisan command:

php artisan migrate

With the necessary views, routes, and controllers installed, and the database set up, you’re ready to start using Laravel Breeze.

To log in, you can navigate to the /login route and enter your credentials. Laravel Breeze provides a simple login form with email and password fields.

If you need to reset your password, you can navigate to the /forgot-password route and enter your email address. Laravel Breeze will send you an email with a password reset link.

You can also register a new user by navigating to the /register route and filling out the registration form.

Laravel Breeze provides a simple yet powerful authentication solution for your Laravel application. It’s easy to install and configure and provides all the necessary views, routes, and controllers for authentication.

Give it a try and see how it can simplify your development workflow.
You can also customize the behavior of the authentication system by modifying the controllers and routes. For example, add additional validation rules to the registration form, or redirect the user to a different page after login.

In addition to the default authentication system, Laravel Breeze provides API authentication support using Laravel Passport. To enable API authentication, you can use the breeze:install --auth option when installing Laravel Breeze:

php artisan breeze:install --auth

This will install the necessary routes and controllers for handling API authentication and the necessary views for the authorization server.

One of the benefits of using Laravel Breeze is its simplicity and ease of use. It provides a minimal authentication solution that can be easily configured to meet your needs. If you’re building a small application or prototyping an idea, Laravel Breeze can be a great choice.

That being said, it’s important to note that Laravel Breeze is not meant to be a full-featured authentication solution. Instead, it provides a basic set of features and is not suitable for larger, more complex applications. You might consider using Laravel Fortify or another package if you need a more robust authentication solution.

Overall, Laravel Breeze is a simple yet powerful authentication solution for your Laravel application. It’s easy to install and configure,



Karl Hill

Full Stack Engineer at NASA. Volunteer at Smithsonian’s The Renwick Gallery, and former drummer of #GovernmentIssue.